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Assuming the title of editor in chief of The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry is a tremendous honor. It is that much more of an honor due to the respect and admiration I have for its editor in chief of the past 30 years, Dr Alan Gelenberg. I first met Alan almost 20 years ago, early out of training, and when I became a faculty member at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, Alan was my department chair and mentor.

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Assuming the title of editor in chief of The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry is a tremendous honor. It is that much more of an honor due to the respect and admiration I have for its editor in chief of the past 30 years, Dr Alan Gelenberg. I first met Alan almost 20 years ago, early out of training, and when I became a faculty member at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, Alan was my department chair and mentor. He introduced me to JCP, and I became an editorial board member, then a deputy editor, and then, 10 years ago, vice-editor in chief. Even after both Alan and I left Arizona, we have stayed in close touch through our work with JCP. Alan has been a generous and wise mentor, role model, and friend. It’s been a great privilege to know him and work with him, and I wish him a well-deserved, wonderful, and healthy retirement. I am grateful to follow in his footsteps.

The Journal has been a pivotal part of my life as I came to take on more responsibilities as a deputy editor and then vice-editor in chief. It has been a pleasure to work with Alan, its publisher Dr John Shelton and his stellar team, the section editors, the editorial board, authors, and reviewers. JCP serves a central role in our field, featuring high-quality publications of crucial clinical relevance. It is an honor and responsibility to help bring new and novel information to the forefront in a way that impacts clinical care and patients.

Typically at the end of the year, we thank our reviewers and editorial board. Indeed, we are grateful for your contributions. To our reviewers, we are indebted, as this anonymous role that taps the time of experts is integral to the peer review process. I encourage any of you who review regularly for journals to consider this a role that requires mentorship and to identify junior colleagues who would make valuable contributions as reviewers. While being a reviewer is an anonymous and generous pursuit, learning to critically review manuscripts is a scholarly process that requires both knowledge and learned skills.

To our authors, past and present, thank you for thinking of JCP when submitting your work. We seek to publish cutting-edge research that will impact our field, and we appreciate the quality of the manuscripts we receive. We are in an enviable position to receive so many high-quality papers that have the ability to effect real changes in our field.

The physical presence of JCP has changed as our society has moved toward online publication. We have transitioned from a journal that existed solely in printed form to a hybrid format in which a majority of articles are published online only. A decade ago, I would not have imagined the extensive use of online tools in medical publishing and education, and it’s hard to guess what changes will come over the next decade. We appreciate the flexibility of authors, reviewers, and readers as we increasingly move toward electronic publishing platforms. The exciting opportunity to publish work more quickly and disseminate it further with online formats comes in parallel with the overwhelming amount of data now found online. Further, the explosion of new online journals of variable quality—which often have names that sound like those of the most trusted journals in our field—can make us question our trust in online publication. In this climate, we need credible, scientifically rigorous journals more than ever. One of JCP’s major goals will be to provide a guiding light to help our readers sort out the most impactful findings in psychiatry.

I look forward to my new role, and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve in it.

Marlene P. Freeman, MD

Editor in Chief

Figure 1

Chittaranjan Andrade

Alfredo Bellon

Jonathan R. T. Davidson

Maurizio Fava

John M. Kane

Jorge Lopez-Castroman

Mario Maj

Stephen R. Marder

Roger E. Meyer

Andrew A. Nierenberg

Sheldon H. Preskorn

Anthony J. Rothschild

Nina R. Schooler

Gianluca Serafini

Michael E. Thase

Brandon C. Yarns

Carlos A. Zarate, Jr

Reviewers for The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry

December 5, 2016-December 5, 2017

J. Stuart Ablon

Jayant Acharya

Thomas Achenbach

Jean Addington

Lenard A. Adler

Khalid I. Afzal

Jessica Agnew-Blais

Susana Al-Halab×­

Juan Rafael Albertorio-Diaz

Donna Ames

Mario Amore

Juanita Anders

Celso Arango

Steven E. Arnold

David A. Axelson

Dara E. Babinski

Christopher Baethge

Julian Bailes

Vanessa Bal

Ross J. Baldessarini

David S. Baldwin

Clive G. Ballard

Richard Balon

Shannon Barnett

Argelinda Baroni

Steve Bartek

Michael Bauer

Hamideh Bayrampour

Elliott Beaton

Martin Becker

Michael Berk

Nancy Berkman

Steven Berkowitz

Michele A. Bertocci

Amritha Bhat

Joseph Biederman

Mark Bilodeau

Miquel Bioque

Istvan Bitter

Edward O. Bixler

Kim Blake

Carlos Blanco

Hilario Blasco-Fontecilla

Pierre Blier

Michael Bloch

J. Michael Bostwick

Charles L. Bowden

Christopher R. Bowie

Laura Boxley

Kathleen T. Brady

Lisa A. Brenner

David A. Brent

Jennifer Bress

Beth S. Brodsky

Hilary K. Brown

Tom Bschor

Dejan Budimirovic

John Burger

Jeffrey D. Burke

Nancy Byatt

Lauren Bylsma

Paolo Caffarra

Sharon Cain

Joseph R. Calabrese

Raffaella Calati

Mette Buhl Callesen

Gabrielle A. Carlson

Stanley N. Caroff

William T. Carpenter

Giuseppe Carr× 

Alice S. Carter

André F. Carvalho

Corinne Cather

Arthur Caye

M. Soledad Cepeda

Mesut Çetin

Subho Chakrabarti

Vivien Chan

Chin-Kuo Chang

Kiki D. Chang

Andrew Cheng

Alex Cheong

Ki Sueng Choi

Namkee G. Choi

Virginie-Anne Chouinard

Crystal Clark

Paula J. Clayton

Marylene Cloitre

Emil F. Coccaro

Carl Cohen

Lee S. Cohen

Lewis Cohen

Nancy Collop

Costanza Columbi

Daniel F. Connor

Daniel J. Conti

Philippe Conus

Cheryl Corcoran

Christoph U. Correll

Elizabeth Q. Cox

M. Lynn Crismon

Paul E. Croarkin

Judith Crowell

Mario Cruz

Alan Currie

John Curry

Cristina Cusin

Elias Dakwar

James Dalen

Gregory Dallack

J. Scott Daniels

John M. Davis

Lori L. Davis

Thompson E. Davis, III

William B. Daviss

Domenico de Berardis

Derek de Beurs

Lavinia De Chiara

Sharon Dekel

Jose de Leon

Caroline Demily

Emily L. Dennis

Avinash De Sousa

Michael J. Detke

Lisa B. Dixon

Keri J. Donaldson

Michelle Dossett

Deborah Ducasse

Mina Dulcan

Boadie W. Dunlop

Barney Dunn

Robert L. DuPont

Sean M. Eack

Charmane Eastman

Nicholas R. Eaton

Klaus P. Ebmeier

Kamryn T. Eddy

Glen R. Elliott

Edward A. Emmett

Graham J. Emslie

Michael Enenbach

Brian Engdahl

C. Neill Epperson

Adib Essali

A. Eden Evins

Harris Eyre

Karl-Olov Fagerstrom

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Julio Fernandez-Mendoza

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Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis

Andrew Francis

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Andrew Freeman

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Lawrence Fung

Keming Gao

Jennifer Gatchel

Dylan Gee

Philip R. Gehrman

Pierre A. Geoffroy

Tobias Gerhard

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S. Nassir Ghaemi

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Hemant Goyal

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John H. Greist

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Carlos M. Grilo

Sebastien Guillaume

Saurabh Gupta

Dav׭װ H׸jgaard

Tomas Hajek

Wayne D. Hall

Jerry L. Halverson

Ahmad Hameed

Paul Hammerness

Beth Han

Liisa Hantsoo

Antonio Y. Hardan

Ebrahim Haroon

Philip D. Harvey

Kenji Hashimoto

Patricia L. Haynes

Ulrich-Michael Hemmeter

Michael E. Henry

Paula L. Hensley

Margaret Hertzigs

Denise Hien

Jolene M. Hillwig-Garcia

Robert M. A. Hirschfeld

John Hodges

Nicolas Hoertel

Charlotte Hogan

Elizabeth A. Hoge

Melanie A. Hom

Danny Horesh

Allan House

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John Hughes

Jeffrey I. Hunt

Osman Ipsiroglu

Kelly Irwin

Michael Irwin

Iliyan Ivanov

Jason Jalil

Philip G. Janicak

Lars Fredrik Jarskog

Isabelle Jaussent

James W. Jefferson

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Yong Jeong

Manish Kumar Jha

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John Jordan

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Mengyuan Kan

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Te-Jen Lai

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Falk Leichsenring

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Chunbo Li

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Iris Manor

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Charles Edouard Notredame

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J. Cobb Scott

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Lizheng Shi

Frederick Shic

Shunichiro Shinagawa

Prabha Siddarth

Shannon Simmons

Dorothy Sit

Chris Smart

Joel Sneed

Kristin Sohl

Eino Solije

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Mark A. Stein

Murray B. Stein

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Brendon Stubbs

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Trisha Suppes

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Chad Sylvester

Louisa G. Sylvia

Yoshikazu Takaesu

Rajiv Tandon

Sarah Tebeka

Miriam Tepper

Ping Tepper

George E. Tesar

Michael L. Thomas

Alexander Wesley Thompson

Elaine Tierney

Mauricio Tohen

Shirasaka Tomohiro

Marie Tournier

Paula Trzepacz

Nian-Sheng Tseng

Ping-Tao Tseng

Hiroyuki Uchida

Faruk Uguz

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Alexandros Vgontzas

Eduard Vieta

Simone N. Vigod

Everard Vijverberg

Angela Vincent

Christiaan Vinkers

Antonio Vita

Roza Vlasova

Pauline Voon

Margda Waern

Daniel A. Waschbusch

Norio Watanabe

James G. Waxmonsky

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Margaret Weiss

Roger D. Weiss

Myrna M. Weissman

Richard Wesseloo

Joseph John Westermeyer

Julie Wetherell

Anne Wheeler

Ilse Wiechers

Silvia Ines Wikinski

Timothy E. Wilens

Samuel T. Wilkinson

John Winkleman

Matthew B. Wintersteen

Stephen R. Wisniewski

George E. Woody

Yu Tao Xiang

Joel Yager

Philip Yanos

Anastacia Yasik

Reiji Yoshimura

Eric A. Youngstrom

Xin Yu

Wei-Hua Yue

Yinyin Zang

Jijian Zheng

Linda L. D. Zhong

Mark Zimmerman

Ada Zohar


Published online: January 2, 2018.

J Clin Psychiatry 2018;79(1):17ed12032

To cite: Freeman MP. Taking on the role of editor in chief. J Clin Psychiatry. 2018;79(1):17ed12032.

To share: 10.4088/JCP.17ed12032

© Copyright 2018 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.